AddEmail ActiveX is a great application that allows you to implement the sending of emails directly from your own applications. It requires a SMTP server with a valid user name and password. It supports COM objects and OCX controls. You can send text or HTML emails and attach images. AddEmail ActiveX is prepared to support Unicode characters in the body message as well as in the subject. It supports multiple recipients with To, Cc, and Bcc fields, and allows you to attach any number of files. AddEmail ActiveX has four main features: HTMLMail, SendAsync, SimpleSend, and UnicodeMail, and includes samples for MS Access ASP-JScript, VBScript, C# and VB (ASP.NET 1.x and 2.0), C# 2002-2005, Delphi 7, MS Excel, JScript, VB6, VB.NET 2002-2005, and VBScript. HtmlMail sends HTML emails with attachments synchronously, the SendAsync method sends e-mail messages asynchronously. SimpleSend allows to send text or HTML emails with any number of attachments to multiple recipients with just one method call. UnicodeMail in turn, allows you to create and send emails that contain Unicode characters in the body of a message, in the subject field, and also in the names of senders and recipients. The price described is for 1 developer. OS supported: Windows XP and Vista.